Academic aspects of residency training are governed by the appropriate colleges, The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and the College of Family Physician of Canada, as well as the University of Saskatchewan's College of Medicine.
Residency education is generally managed by the Post Graduate Medical Education office at the University of Saskatchewan. Academic decisions and procedures are governed by the policies and guidelines of the College of Medicine and PGME office. You will find some of the most common policies and guidelines here. Please visit their respective websites for complete details.
As per PGME's policy, the following ARE considered non-educational time away from the program, and ARE included in the 25% cap:
The following are NOT considered non-educational time away from the program, and NOT included in the 25% cap:
This guide provides general reference information and policies related to residency training at the University of Saskatchewan.
Looking for information on remediation plans, probation or appealing an academic decision? This document outlines policies and procedures governing resident assessment.
A Graduated Return to Residency (GRR) may be suggested to residents who have been on a prolonged leave of absence from the program. These documents outline the procedures for GRR.
Residents inquiring about transfers should speak directly to the PGME office for further information.
Theses guidelines provide information on post-call resident attendance of academic activities.