Taxi Vouchers
To ensure Resident and Public safety, Residents who feel they are unsafe to drive their vehicle from the training facility to their residence after working an in-house or converted call shift will be reimbursed by the employer for taxi fare home to a maximum of $25 per occurrence.
Supporting receipts will be required for any such claim and repeated claims by Resident may be rejected by the Program Director if found unreasonable.
*As of January 2022, both the Employer and the Union have agreed that Article 9.17 will be extended to include any Resident who feels they are unsafe to drive their vehicle from the training facility to their residence after working an Emergency Medicine Shift.
Submit a Taxi Voucher Claim
Residents will be responsible for providing their receipts along with evidence of service (copy of call schedule) and submitting their expenses through Concur.
If you need assistance in submitting your claims, please submit a “Request a Reimbursement” e-form to Connection Point along with your receipts and they complete the process on your behalf.
When submitting your claim please use the default CFOAPAL and change the approver to Jennifer McGillvary.
To ensure Resident and Public safety, Residents who feel they are unsafe to drive their vehicle from the training facility to their residence after working an in-house or converted call shift will be reimbursed by the Employer for taxi fare home to a maximum of $25 per occurrence. Supporting receipts will be required for any such claim and repeated claims by Resident may be rejected by the Program Director if found unreasonable.